Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hi everyone! Just wanted to say how such a great time I had in Dickenson! I wish I could take a workshop every month but life does go on. I wanted to show everyone that we had our Annual Membership Show last week in Waxhahachie Texas and I won an Honorable Mention on the painting I did at Carol's Workshop. I think I must of had a "Good Teacher"! What do you guys think? Thanks for setting up of the blog. We will all enjoy seeing what everyone is doing during the year. Jana


  1. Wow our first winner. It's a great painting and deserved to be honored.

    Michigan Carol

  2. Congratulations. How exciting. We are very proud!

  3. To quote Sue's student....'PRETTY GOOD!" Beautifully painted, I'm proud of you~ Sally

  4. Excellent! Excellent!

  5. Love the reflections in the metal. I can tell that you painted what you saw! Nice achievement.
    Texas Carol

  6. Love this painting, Jana. REALLY love that I got to see the painting, the ribbon, you, and your roommate in person! We had a blast!
