Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gone Wild!

  Well I've gone "Completely Wild" and decided to start painting shoes before the advanced advanced class by Carol.  Who knows maybe I will actually be good at it by then.  If anyone is interested in donating a pair to the insanity of it all please send to me at

Shakespeare & Company
70 Kemble Street
Lenox, MA 01240

  After painting all shoes and boots / footwear will be donated to the S&Co costume shop.  Hey your shoes could be worn by Olympia Dukakis this summer while she acts in Mother Courage!  Yes we have a great season planned so anyone that wants to visit the Berkshires let me know since it is very festive during the summer months and loads to do.  In fact too much all in one season it's tiring to go to so many shows, art exhibits, fairs, and parties!

Here's one more 

These are "Made in Spain" & that is the name of the piece.  I got them from the costume shop & thought they were cool.  I have no idea what special occasion they are worn for in Spain, but I'm sure once I post them on dpw someone from Spain will let me know!

I love you all.  Have the best holiday season ever & happy painting!  Mmwa!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the shoes. I sometimes teach oil painting to my high school students in the summer, and we always do one still life with shoes. They always are fun - great way to practice painting form. And what girl (old or young) doesn't love a great pair of heels?? I'm trying to finish up some paintings now and will post them soon.
