Saturday, January 12, 2013

Le Geck Se Cache

Hi!  I hope everyone's 2013 has started out better than mine!  No really, painting is going well but work is stressfull and in double measure as I have had to refrain from dancing this year due to pain in my back and left hip.  Bummer I know & pun intended!

I also wanted to keep you all up to date on the events at the Daily Painters site since I have passed the two month marker, and there are none.  I have been painting religiously and posting anywhere from 3-5 pieces a week (not all the 6 x 6's since I have so much art that I wanted to have a little bit in the gallery so people could get a feel for my style so I added older sold works).  Any way, nothing has sold (via the site - I sold a piece myself though).  The most popular piece is pictured here.  Over 50 views but no bites.  About 500 hits to my blog year to date, of which I am not sure which were directed from the daily painters and which were from the S&CO.  If I had to guess I'd say 30 / 70 dpw/s&co (so more directed to it by me & my work circle).  I'm sure I signed up at just about the worst time of year (November with everyone shopping for the holidays) so am confident things will improve eventually......

I continue to produce about 4 paintings a week.  I am on a roll with my photos of boo boo kitty from Texas & can't thank Sally enough for spotting her on the bird bath.  I got some amazing photos and I like some of the pieces I am turning out too - not all 6 x 6's.  I do find that size annoying after a while and I want to paint a bit bigger.  Then I will go back to it for the discipline in seeing and I like change.  I will post a boo boo kitty painting as soon as I take a few photos of them and edit.

Mmwa!  to you all & have the best Saturday ever!  I wish everyone would sign on.  We only got about the 1/2 class participating.  Perhaps it's intimidating and we'll have to go over that next year in class.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun little painting. I love it. Thanks for the info about the DPW. I am considering joining, but just don't have enough paintings. I am determined to do more. I really wonder what percentage of posted paintings sell on DPW. I'm sure it helps to have a "following" which takes time and marketing.
    I have a painting to post here in a few days. I'm letting it dry. Wish some others would post. It is good to be a part of an art community- even on the Internet.
    Good luck. Keep us posted. We're all pulling for you.
